
Basic Directives (
Environment Units
C Language Units
Tests (
Writing a mkconfig Unit (
Internal Function Definitions (
Environment Variables (
File Descriptors (
Writing a test script (
Environment Variables (
See Also


mkconfig - build configuration utilities

Synopsis [-C] [-c <cache-file>] [-L <log-file>] config-file

The -C option clears any cache file before processing the units.

cache-file defaults to ’mkconfig.cache’.

log-file defaults to ’mkconfig.log’.

config-file is a file containing a list of mkconfig directives. tests-dir [test1, ...]

tests-dir is a directory containing test scripts.

The tests to be run may be specified on the command line. -reqlib [-c <cache-file>] [-o <lib-file>] input-file

Is used in conjunction with the c-main language unit or d-main language unit to output the libraries required for linking. See the description for the ’lib’ check routine for the c-main language unit.

cache-file defaults to ’mkconfig.cache’.

output-file defaults to ’mkconfig.reqlibs’.

input-file is the C/C++ output-file created by -staticlib [-e] -o libname.a object-file [...]

The -e option echos the command line. -compile|-link [-c <compiler>] [-shared] [-exec] [-e] [-o <execname>|-o <objname>] [-r required-lib-file] -- [<sourcefile> ...] [<objectfile> ...] [<compile-or-link-flags> ...] [-L <lib-path>] [-l <lib>]

Compiles to an executable or object file given source or object files, compiler options, link options and a list of library paths and libraries.

The -e option echos the command line.

Use the -shared option to build shared object or library files.

Use the -exec option when building an executable against shared objects.

The -staticlib option creates a static library given a library name and a list of object files.

Description is a build configuration utility. It is written in portable shell script and designed to be extensible for any configuration use. Most Bourne Shell compatible shells will work. is intended to generate a file that can be used as an included file, a shell script, a configuration file, or any other use. If the _MKCONFIG_SHELL environment variable is set to a particular shell, will restart itself using that shell. is a simple test harness for mkconfig. It is intended as a simple, portable test harness. There are better test harnesses available.

Basic Directives (

# comment

Comments begin with a ’#’ in column 1. Blank lines are ignored.

output file-name (required)

Specify the name of the output file. This command may be included multiple times in the mkconfig configuration file to output multiple files.

loadunit unit-name

Include a mkconfig unit for testing. Units include specific check routines that may be performed.

command name-of-command [alternate-cmd...]

Check if command exists in the path. When listing alternate commands, specify the list from least wanted to best.

command awk nawk gawk
command sed

#define _command_sed 1 /* C */
#define _cmd_loc_sed "/bin/sed" /* C */

env envvar [quote] [default]

Defines the variable envvar in the output file. The value of the environment variable envvar is used, otherwise the default is used. If the quote specifier is included, the value is quoted.

env HOME quote

#define HOME "/home/bll"
#define COUNTER 5

grep tag pattern filename

Searches filename for pattern. tag is used for naming and display purposes.

grep mysearch root /etc/passwd

#define _grep_mysearch 1 /* C */

if label if-statement ... [else ...] endif

The if statement is a combination of check variables, &&, ||, ! (not) and parentheses. It is recommended that parentheses be used copiously to avoid any possible precedence differences between different shells. The label is used for display output.

The equality operator is supported in prefix notation as:

if label == check-variable value

The value may be enclosed in quotes, but preservation of extra spaces will not work.

if mylabel _hdr_header1 && ( ! (_lib_func3 || _lib_func4)) && _setint_my_var
if quotactl_pos_1 == _c_arg_1_quotactl ’char *’

if statements may be nested.

include endinclude

Include all of the code between these two tags in the output file. Backslashes must be escaped with a backslash. Note that the included text is only output at the end of the output-file, not inline with the directive output.

set check-variable value

Set a check-variable to value.

lib quotactl
set _lib_quotactl 0

setint check-variable-name value

Set an integer variable to a value. The check variable name will be output as specified, but when used in if statements, the check variable is named _setint_<name>.

setint _enable_nls 1

setstr check-variable-name value

Set a string variable to a value. The check variable name will be output as specified, but when used in if statements, the check variable is named _setstr_<name>.

setstr _my_lib_path /lib


Perform any standard checks for the unit that was loaded. See the description of the other units to see what the standard check does.

substitute pattern1 pattern2

Substitute pattern2 for pattern1. pattern1 and pattern2 are passed to ’sed’ and may be regular expressions. Using backslashes in the patterns may be problematical due to quoting by the executing shell.

The substitute directive is not available with the perl version of mkconfig.

Environment Units

The environment units create an output file that can be used as shell script input to set your environment.

See mkconfig_env(7).

C Language Units

The C language units create an include file for C programs.

See mkconfig_c(7).

Tests (

The test directory contains shell scripts that are executed by If a ’test_order’ file exists in the test directory, it indicates the order the tests are run in. The ’test_order’ file consists of a pass number followed by the test name (no trailing .sh). If the ’test_order’ file exists, only those tests in the file will be run.

If there is a test failure, testing will continue until a change in pass number occurs.

Writing a mkconfig Unit ( reads the mkconfig configuration file and processes each line sequentially. The output-file command specifies the output file (e.g. config.h for the c-main language unit). A language unit is loaded with the loadunit command.

Each language unit script is executed with the unix shell source (.) command, so it has all of the general shell functions from available for use.

The following functions from are used by the language units: printlabel, checkcache, checkcache_val, checkcache_actual, printyesno, printyesno_val, printyesno_actual, getdata, setdata, require_unit, dosubst, doappend, domath, toupper, tolower, and locatecmd.

A language unit must provide the following functions: preconfigfile, output_item, stdconfigfile, postconfigfile, output_other. provides the following generic checks: command, include/endinclude, if, set, setint, setstr. The set, setint and setstr commands will execute the output_item function from the current unit. Any other unrecognized commands will be passed on to the language unit that has been loaded.

The flow of control by is:

process the commands from the mkconfig configuration file

set the output-file name.
load any units as specified by the loadunit commands from the mkconfig.units directory.
execute the directives as specified by the mkconfig configuration file.

save the cache file.
execute preconfigfile from the language unit.
execute output_item for each configuration item.
execute stdconfigfile from the language unit.
output any include text from the mkconfig configuration file.
execute postconfigfile from the language unit.
execute output_other from the language unit.

A language unit must define the functions listed above. It may also define other functions for use by other units for that language.

The main language unit must set the following shell variables:

_MKCONFIG_PREFIX is set to a language unit specific prefix. This prefix is used internally and in the cache files to create a unique name.

_MKCONFIG_HASEMPTY is set to T or F. If true, the language unit may set check variables to empty values. This modifies certain processing in It is faster to have non-empty check variables.

_MKCONFIG_EXPORT is set to T or F. If true, the check variable is set and exported so that it can be accessed in the shell environment.

Language units may need other functions as defined in other units. The require_unit function makes sure that the a particular language unit is loaded for use by the calling unit.

A typical directive in a language unit will be structured as follows:

check_somecheck () {

printlabel $name "somecheck: ${checkarg}"
checkcache ${_MKCONFIG_PREFIX} $name
if [ $rc -eq 0 ]; then return; fi # found it in cache
# do processing for check here
printyesno $name $retval
setdata ${_MKCONFIG_PREFIX} $name $retval

The check function’s arguments will be the same values read from the mkconfig configuration file. The name should be set to _<checkname>_<argument> as appropriate to be a unique name that is a valid unix shell variable name.

Internal Function Definitions (

checkcache prefix name
prefix name
prefix name

checkcache checks the cache to see if the check variable already has a value. If so, the check variable is set to the value and a return code of 0 is returned. prefix is normally $_MKCONFIG_PREFIX and name is the name of the check variable. The different variants of checkcache correspond to the variants of printyesno for displaying the check variable to the user.

dosubst shellvar pattern repl [pattern repl ...]

Substitutes repl for pattern globally throughout shellvar. Multiple patterns and replacement strings may be specified. pattern may be any regular expression recognized by ’sed’. Note that modern ’sed’ regular expressions will not be supported on all systems.

doappend shellvar value

Appends value to shellvar.

domath shellvar "math-expr"

Executes the math-expr and assigns the returned value to shellvar. math-expr must be quoted and should have spaces around all arguments.
e.g. count=1; domath count "$count + 1"; echo $count # 2

getdata shellvar prefix name

In some cases, the check function may need to retrieve the value of a check variable. The getdata function returns the value of the check variable name in the shell variable shellvar. prefix is normally ${_MKCONFIG_PREFIX}.

locatecmd shellvar command

Locates a command in the path. Sets shellvar to the full path of the command.

printlabel name display-data

printlabel displays display-data to the screen followed by an ellipsis. The name and display-data is also logged to the log file.

printyesno name value
name value
name value

printyesno is used in conjunction with printlabel. printlabel displays the first part of the output for the user and printyesno displays the result. printyesno is used for boolean (0 or 1) values. It will display ’yes’ or ’no’. printyesno_val is used for values that are non-zero or a string. It will display the value, or ’no’ if set to 0. printyesno_actual is used for values that should be displayed intact. It will display the actual value (0 or otherwise).

require_unit unit-name

require_unit loads another unit file that is needed by the calling unit.

setdata prefix name value

setdata is used in a check function to set the value of a check variable. prefix is normally ${_MKCONFIG_PREFIX}. name is the name of the check variable. value is the value the check variable is set to. value should be enclosed in quotation marks if it has spaces or other special shell characters.

toupper shellvar

Converts a shell variable to upper case.

tolower shellvar

Coverts a shell variable to lower case.

Environment Variables (


The directory where is installed.

File Descriptors (

The file descriptors are allocated as follows:
9 - The mkconfig log file
8 - Used by; not available for mkconfig unit scripts.
7 - Used by; not available for mkconfig unit scripts.
6 - Used by and; not available for c language unit scripts.
4 - Used by; not available for c language unit scripts.

Writing a test script (

To be completed.

Environment Variables (


The directory where is installed.


The original directory where the tests were started.


The directory containing the test scripts and associated files.


The top level temporary directory. Sub-directories are created for each test that is run.


The temporary directory in which the test is run.


A list of valid shells installed on the system.

See Also

iffe(1) autoconf(1) dist(7) mkconfig_env(7) mkconfig_c(7) mkconfig_d(7)


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This program is Copyright 2011-2012 by Brad Lanam, Walnut Creek CA

Brad Lanam, Walnut Creek, CA (